Study Reveals Avocados To Oral Cancer Prevention
Can you eat your way to better oral health?
Researchers at Ohio State University have found that nutrients taken from avocados can attack some oral cancer cells and prevent other pre-cancerous cells from developing into actual cancers of the mouth.
According to the researchers, previous research has found an association between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and reduced risk for various types of cancers. This effect is attributed to the high levels of phytonutrients and phytochemicals found in dark colored fruits and vegetables.
Focusing on the Hass avocado– the most readily available variety of avocado– the OSU researchers found that phytochemicals extracted from the bumpy-skinned fruit can target multiple signaling pathways and increase the amount of reactive oxygen within pre-cancerous oral cells, leading to cell death. However, the same chemicals have no negative effect on healthy, normal cells.
Dark Chocolate Avocado Mousse